Tuesday, June 2, 2009

MTV Movie Awards Reaction

Well the award show was more controversial than I thought it would be. I tuned in for the Harry Potter and New Moon clips, but there was a lot more going on. The whole Eminem stunt, in which many reports now claim it was staged, was really weird and kind of pathetic if that what he has to do for attention now. But hey I read in the paper that his album is number 1, so I guess it's working. Adam Sanberg (sp?) was funny as usual.

Okay, well Twilight came away with the majority of the rewards which shows the power of Twilight fans or "Twihards." Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were as awkward and as lovely as ever. I have mixed feelings about the New Moon "trailer," (I really don't think it should be considered a trailer as opposed to some clips of the movie). During the first 50 seconds I was disappointed. The whole paper cut scene was extremely underwhelming. I thought it could be a lot more dramatic and that they could have expanded the scene with some kind of dramatic struggle. Laurent looked great. I thought he looked more like a wild thirsty vampire in need of blood as opposed to the Cullen type that have done without it for years. Still I couldn't understand why they would show all of that in the first teaser trailer. My entire opinion changed when I saw Jacob/Taylor morph into the wolf for the first time. I DID NOT expect to see that so soon, but it was a good surprise. Now that I have seen the trailer several times and examined the wolf I realize that the graphics are pretty poor, but still better than I expected. Hopefully they will spend additional time and money perfecting the design. Still it was awesome B+. I would give the beginning of the trailer a B-. Check it out below.

I don't really see the need to discuss the Harry Potter clip. It has been seen plenty of times. I give a B because I love Harry Potter, but because the clip has been seen before.

Okay expect some Simpsons stuff soon. Maybe not a recap, but pics of my time in the Kwikee Mart and other related things. Namaste! Adios! TTYL!

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