Monday, June 22, 2009

Simpsons Recap and Pop Culture News on Alice in Wonderland Pics Coming Soon

Hey last nights episode of the Simpsons was a bit complicated so my recap/review will be short because I can't include all the details so I won't. That will be up tomorrow.

In PoP Culture news, I am going to do a small post on Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland because the pics are terrifyingly inspiring :)

I'll get it posted later, so come back soon.

Update: Here is the pic!

Tell me that doesn't make you want to see this movie. When a movie stars Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp you know it's going to be haunting. Lets not forget the taste of Tim Burton's style. When they cast Carter as Bellatrix Lestrange in Harry Potter I knew she would be dark and sadistic like her character. Even Anne Hathaway looks enchantingly eerie. You can tell that this movie is going to be rich with color and fun and a bit spooky. Alan Rickman is going to play the voice of the Caterpillar so that makes two Harry Potter stars in the movie. Oh well, we'll have to wait til 2010.

Well tomorrow I might see a Transformers Revenge of the Fallen in IMAX screening, so I might have a review of that tomorrow along with my Simpsons Recap if I can get around to it. Are you excited for the Transformers movie to come out? I am; especially if I could go for free.

Until tomorrow!


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