Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pop Culture Break....Simpsons Post to be up soon.

pic from EW.com

Hey well I made this a pop culture blog because I knew there would be things I couldn't help but post about. I'm running late on my Simpsons post because it's graduation season. I'm officially a college graduate...yay!..I just need a job now LoL. But yeah I loved the episode and can't wait to share my thoughts on it.

However as you can see by the pic, I'm very excited about this new Twilight Saga movie, New Moon. I started reading the books to deal with Harry Potter withdrawal. They are not nearly as good as Harry Potter, but they've been filling the void. Out of the 3 books I have read of the series so far, New Moon is my favorite. I can't wait to see the movie. The poster is great although Jacob/Taylor's are seems photoshop'ed. If it's not photoshop'ed I'm very impressed. The movie isn't out till November, but no worries Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is out in July. Thank God!

Okay, I'll have the Simpsons post up as soon as possible. Until then catch up on the older posts, spot my grammatical errors and missing words, and look at the Harry Potter trailer. Also find a high res pic of the poster on my favorite Twilight website: twilightsource.com

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